Contoh teks toefl sejarah


Example 1

The Spread of Islam

Islam, founded in the 7th century by Prophet Muhammad in Mecca, rapidly spread across the Arabian Peninsula and beyond. The religion, based on the Quran as its holy scripture, gained followers through trade, conquest, and missionary activities. Within a century after Muhammad's death, Islam had expanded into territories stretching from Spain in the west to India in the east. This expansion brought about the establishment of a diverse and influential Islamic civilization, known for its contributions in science, mathematics, medicine, and philosophy.


1. What were the primary reasons for the spread of Islam after Prophet Muhammad's death?

a) Military conquests only

b) Trade, conquests, and missionary activities

c) Religious debates and scholarly conferences

d) Isolation and limited contact with other regions


2. During the Islamic Golden Age, which fields experienced significant advancements by Muslim scholars?

a) Archaeology and anthropology

b) Botany and zoology

c) Astronomy, mathematics, and literature

d) Politics and military strategy


3. Where did Islam expand within a century after its establishment?

a) From Spain to India

b) Mainly across Europe

c) Limited to the Middle East

d) Only within the Arabian Peninsula

Example 2

The Renaissance Period

The Renaissance was a cultural and intellectual movement that began in Italy during the 14th century and later spread across Europe. It marked a revival of art, literature, science, and learning, transitioning Europe from the medieval period to the modern age.

This period saw a renewed interest in classical learning and humanism, leading to significant advancements in various fields. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo created masterpieces that still inspire awe today. Additionally, scholars and scientists made groundbreaking discoveries, challenging existing norms and contributing to the emergence of modern scientific thought.

The Renaissance was not only a period of great creativity and innovation but also a time of societal change. The invention of the printing press allowed for the widespread dissemination of knowledge, leading to increased literacy rates and the democratization of information.

In conclusion, the Renaissance was a pivotal period that laid the foundation for the modern world, shaping art, culture, and knowledge in ways that continue to influence us today.


  1. 1. What was the primary focus of the Renaissance period?

    • A) Revival of classical learning and humanism
    • B) Advancements in industrial technology
    • C) Exploration of modern scientific theories
    • D) Development of political ideologies
  2. 2. Which artists are mentioned as prominent figures during the Renaissance?

    • A) Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton
    • B) Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso
    • C) Michelangelo and Galileo Galilei
    • D) Rembrandt and Johannes Gutenberg

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